Newsletter of the Illinois Truck Enforcement Association March 2018
Letter from the President,
Last month, we tackled some important issues for the trucking industry and law enforcement alike. Recently two bills were proposed in the Illinois Senate, SB3098 and SB2918. These bills will affect how the industry obtains their oversize overweight permits and the cost associated with them.
SB3098 takes permitting authority away from local agencies and gives total control to the heavy haulage. While this may simplify the process for the industry, it will remove the ability to contact a local authority and make sure the safest route is being taken. There is also no recourse for local authorities to recoup the money from the permits to maintain their roads or ensure the trucking company is insured in the event of a crash or damage.
The Engine Control Unit (ECU) that manages the electrical system and subsystems on a pickup truck is programmed at the factory to comply with certain emissions and fuel octane requirements resulting in less than peak horsepower and torque.
However, with the use of truck parts like an aftermarket tuner, adjustments to the vehicle’s settings can optimize engine output even without adding any physical modifications.
Most tuner performance software is user-friendly and often features plug-n-play installation that connects directly to the On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) port and even comes programmed with customizable tunes. These are some of the parameters that can be adjusted.
SB2918 forces local permitting to be at the same cost as IDOT permits. The Illinois Department of Transportation has not changed their rates in decades, and there is nothing to say that passage of this bill will keep those rates as they stand now. Each community should have the ability to set their rates as they see fit to maintain their roads.
A hearing was set for February 27th, 2018 for SB2918. As of this writing the outcome is unknown.
The Illinois Truck Enforcement Association has worked to be the middleman between truck enforcement and the trucking industry to do dot verification across all the drivers. Great strides have been made to simplify the permitting process in Illinois and help the industry move across the state with less police interaction. We believe we can continue the education we began nine years ago to make Illinois a truck friendly state. Thank you for your membership and support. Let’s keep working together to make Illinois’ truck laws work for every citizen in Illinois and not just create more bureaucracy.
Marc Fisher
Annual Conference Update
The ITEA is gearing up for the annual conference. Set to showcase: DOT Inspections IDOT Permit Section Illinois Secretary of State CDL updates and more!
Lunch is included!
Pheasant Run Resort St. Charles, Illinois March 29, 2018 from 8am-4pm. You can purchase tickets HERE!
Oxcart Carrier of the Month
Oxcart Permit Systems is proud to announce Mil/Ron Trucking of Plainfield, IL was selected as the February Carrier of the Month!
Mil/Ron specializes in hauling of oversize loads, particularly pre-cast concrete, to many municipalities and projects throughout the Chicagoland region. Mil/Ron has shown exceptional compliance when it comes to obtaining local OSOW permitting.
This not only promotes the integrity of their company, but protects local public safety and infrastructure. Congrats Mil/Ron and enjoy your complimentary membership to the Illinois Truck Enforcement Association!
IDOT Permit Conference
The Illinois Department of Transportation will once again be hosting their customer conferences this month.
IDOT will host their meeting at the ITEA annual conference at Pheasant Run March 29, 2018. There is no cost to attend IDOT’s meeting, but why not purchase a ticket for the ITEA conference and be even more informed on all things truck law?
To sign up for the IDOT customer conference at any location click HERE!
Tuesday March 20, 2018 9 am-Noon Hanley Building Auditorium, 2300 South Dirksen Parkway, Springfield Illinois
Thursday March 22, 2018 9 am-Noon, State of Illinois Complex, Rooms 211 & 212, 1102 Eastport Plaza Drive, Collinsville Illinois
Illinois State Police Update
See the following bulletin in regard to portable electronic logging devices from our friends at CVSA.
Advertisers wanted– interested in helping support the ITEA and obtain some brand recognition?
Place an ad in our monthly newsletter which reaches almost 1,000 people and grows all the time!
Contact Marc Fisher at for more information
ITEA Board of Directors
Brian Cluever
Executive Director
Marc Fisher
Jeff Moos
Vice President
Chris Maxwell
Director of Public Information
Tom Hall

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