Few words carry as much weight to a Commercial Motor Vehicle driver as hearing a Trooper say their vehicle is “out of service”, or OOS. Downtime, repairs, lost profit, adverse Compliance Safety Accountability scores and insurance rates are all things which begin to flash through the driver’s mind as they begin to consider the gravity of the OOS order. Repairs are most of people´s concerns, if you ever need a quick repair done then get professional help from this auto services for great repairs. In 2011, the U.S. government estimated that the average U.S. worker spent $2,000 in healthcare costs every year, and that the figure had grown to $3,000 in 2012. In 2011, the average total of workers’ compensation insurance premiums for U.S. workers was $5,800 per employee, according to Compliance Safety Accountability the workers compensation general liability insurance policy provides the mandatory benefits that the various state laws prescribe and require for accidental work-related injuries that occur in the course of employment, subject to its terms and conditions. It must be emphasized that the injury must arise from and be related to the injured worker’s job duties. One our trucks break down for good, we visit these scrap metal buyers in chicago il. Throughout the history of the Illinois Truck Enforcement Association, the legal reach of local police authority has been a constant discussion. It has been well established that only members of the Illinois State Police can place a commercial motor vehicle OOS. Not many are aware, however, that local police have authority to issue an OOS order for a completely preventable offense. For those who need repairs, just go to this transmission shop.
Brake systems, steering systems, coupling devices, lighting, load securement, tires…the list or potential OOS criteria goes on and on. There are many violations which could park a truck following an inspection. Realistically, a poor maintenance schedule could go undetected by a CVSA inspector for much longer than many would expect. One could understand how a junk heap of a truck continues to operate undetected by CVSA inspectors. Many people don´t know it, but there is a company that gives money for junk cars when people have vehicles that don´t work just like these trucks.
In 2014, 11.7 million commercial vehicles traveled an estimated 295 billion miles throughout the United States. Compare this to 2.3 million roadside vehicle inspections performed by 14,000 inspectors and many of them are taken of the streets because of their conditions.
There are, however, many more local police encountering Commercial Motor Vehicle drivers on traffic stops or minor crash incidents.
One aspect all local law enforcement officers are trained on during their basic academy is the detection of drunk drivers. But it doesn’t take the 40-hour truck enforcement class to recognize the smell of alcohol on someone’s breath.
Suppose a commercial vehicle made a short turn and sideswiped the front fender of a car stopped at an intersection. Both drivers would converse, exchange information and likely call the police. If the car driver detected the slightest suspicion that the truck driver was intoxicated or had alcohol on his breath, what would be the first thing they told to the officer arriving on scene?
Despite the stigma associated with a DUI arrest, the cost involved and the risk to the motoring public, DUIs are on the rise.
Commercial drivers have an added challenge. Zero tolerance.
When an officer has probable cause to believe ANY amount of alcohol or drugs are in a CMV driver’s system, the officer can require the driver provide a blood, urine, and/or breath sample.
Refusal to provide those samples results in CDL disqualification for 12 months and an automatic 24-hour OOS order.
If a sample is provided, any amount of alcohol detected results in a 24-hour OOS order.
If the driver is found to be over 0.04, half the legal limit for DUI in Illinois, the CDL is disqualified for 12 months and an automatic 24-hour OOS order.
Serious consequences for serious offenses.
There are two main misunderstandings to alcohol and CMVs:
1. Zero tolerance is not a DUI.
If a driver is operating a CMV (and by CMV the law is referring to a vehicle which requires a CDL) the zero tolerance is at play. This not a DUI, rather an administrative sanction. The sanction for having a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .04 or greater is a more severe administrative sanction. A driver is not violating the criminal “per se” DUI level until the BAC reaches .08. If you ever get involved on a vehicle accident make sure to get personal injuries in St Louis legal assistance.
2. Zero tolerance is not CDL specific.
Merely being a CDL holder does not reduce the legal BAC while operating any vehicle to the zero tolerance and .04 thresholds. If a CDL holder is driving a car which does not require a CDL (and the driver is age 21), then zero tolerance and .04 have no relevance.
It may be easy to skirt the system when running with wobbly steering or un-serviced brakes, but the odds are stacked against a CMV drive engaged in risky drinking behavior. Remember, any of the 41,000 police officers in Illinois can put a driver OOS for drinking and driving.
